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January 25, 2010
Dodgingtown Fire Department

Commissioners Present:  Cragin, Burton, Dugan, Goosman, McCulloch and Wlasuk.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Marshals Present:  Farrell, Frampton, Halstead, and Ober

Absent:  Basso


Corrections:  Under Truck report;
  • 4th bullet; Dodgingtown Truck Committee was present at the meeting via a telephone conference set up through Pierce Manufacturing.
  • Under the 6th bullet Burton talked with McCulloch not White.
MOTION: Dugan moved that the minutes of December 28, 2009, be accepted as corrected.
SECONDED:  Goosman

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         
1/23/10         Cragin/Guy Peterson of the NFA  Hydrant located at Castle Meadow Road

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         
1/7/10          Tait/Cragin                     Second Half Payment - $65K each department

Fire Marshals Report:

For the month of December there were 96 calls, 432 incidents and 405 hours worked.  
  • Halstead – issues with parking and gas line at NHS.
  • Frampton – Fire Drill Children’s Adventure Center.
  • Zilinek – Handled poster contest
Standing Committees:
  • Burton reported under the CIP the Board forwarded the 2010-2015 to the Board of Finance.  Sandy Hook’s substation request was submitted in the amount of $375K for 2012-2013 and NH&L’s request for a new fire station was submitted in the amount of $1.5M for 2010-2011.  Burton asked that all members please keep all comments regarding the BOFC positive.  This will go a long way in helping the BOFC in the future when dealing with town government.
  • The First Selectman and the Financial Director also asked for $20K in cuts.  They suggested cuts in the Marshal’s Fees, Car Allowance and Utility line items totaling about $9K.  They are asking the BOFC to come up with an additional $11K cut.
MOTION:  Dugan makes a motion to accept the budget committee’s recommendation to take $11K out of the capital line item.  

  • The First Selectman also indicated that she had a strong feeling that the Board of Finance’s questions from last year regarding the individual fire department’s finances would resurface again this year.  Fire Marshal Halstead and Brad Richardson of Sandy Hook will disclose operational procedures with the First Selectman as a show of goodwill that could possibly eliminate some of the concerns of the BOF.
  • The Budget Committee would appreciate the participation of all fire departments when ordering equipment that it be standardized.  
  • Training – as of 10/5/09 the state has restored funding for the entry level training reimbursement program.  This means every FF1 certification may be reimbursed $300 from the state. The individual departments will put in for their FF1 reimbursement with the state, and any reimbursement monies will go back towards training.  
Radio:  no report
Hydrant:   Assistant Chief Steve Murphy reported that there is a new dry hydrant at 45 Dodgingtown Road that has been tested and working.  Chief White will sign off on this.

  • Transmissions were done and completed last month.
  • #331 had issue with light tower; #114 battery replaced.
  • Met with chief engineers of departments and went over a check sheet for all the trucks.  Please feel free to add or eliminate the check sheet.
  • Dodgingtown trucks had a few minor issues and will be taken care of.
  • Botsford had issue with strobe pack.
  • #442 has a starting issue that needs to be looked into.
  • McCulloch would like to discuss with Hawleyville their tanker within the month.
  • McCulloch would like to meet with the chief engineers in the next month and have a discussion on the town-wide driver training policy.
  • OIC trucks – Any volunteer firefighter that uses hand-held devices while driving an OIC truck will no longer be allowed to drive these vehicles per Cragin.
Policies and Procedures:  
  • Factory Visitation Policy – tabled until the next regular monthly meeting.
  • DOT Inspection Policy – Remove number 3.  – tabled until the next regular monthly meeting.
  • Food Reimbursement Policy – tabled until the next regular monthly meeting.
  • Training Aids Policy.
All commissioners to review these policies with their Chiefs, get comments and meet with Jeff Dugan.  These policies will be put back on the agenda at next month’s meetings.

NUSAR:    no report.
Purchasing Agent:  
  • Furnace will go out to bid for Botsford.
  • Excellent response by all five chiefs this quarter.  Reimbursement checks have been handed out at this meeting.  W-2’s will be included.  $15 penalty fee for checks not cashed after 90 days.
  • Damaged merchandise – how should this be paid for?
  • Damages will be paid out of the normal account.
Public Participation:
  • Any old gear that is not being used by our departments should be sent to the ambulance corp. per Goosman.
  • Flash over simulator – any future training be done at a facility that provides a helmets.
  • Communication Center problems – Jason feels the public safety is in danger due to this miscommunication - such as being sent to incidents too late.  Cragin suggests keeping a paper trail in trying to rectify this and copy Lisa Goosman on all correspondence.
Additions to the agenda:  None

Old Business:

New Business:

  • Training Requests
MOTION:   Wlasuk moved that Dodgingtown’s training requests for $1,526.43 for FFII training, materials and Burn building rental in Danbury be approved.
SECONDED:  Goosman

MOTION:  Burton moved that we reimburse Dodgingtown in the amount of $900  for two EMT’s – Ashley Cristiano and Allison Puto.

MOTION:  Dugan moved to approve Botsford Fire and Rescue training for FDIC registration for four members in the amount of $1870.00.  Deducting $30.00 for spouses listed.
SECONDED:  Goosman

MOTION: Burton moved to approve Botsford Fire and Rescue’s request for 4 airline tickets in the amount of $716.80.  

MOTION: Burton moved to approve Botsford Fire and Rescue’s request for six members for Hurst Extrication class in the amount of $2,000.00 for Botsford and Sandy Hook.  $1K to come from each account.  Halstead will provide Burton with paperwork.

MOTION: Burton moved to approve Botsford Fire and Rescue’s request for Petzl Exo Bail Out Training in the amount of $1,000.00.

MOTION: Wlasuk moved to approve Botsford Fire and Rescue’s request for Rental of the Danbury Burn Building for 11/10 and 12/21 in the amount of $600.00.

MOTION: Burton moved to approve Botsford Fire and Rescue’s request for seven members MRT recertification in the amount of $750.00.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey